Fitvalf U-PVC Reducing Socket

Fitvalf U-PVC Reducing Socket

Fitvalf U-PVC Reducing Socket

'FITVALF U-PVC Reducing Socket General Features: * It is long-lasting and environmentally friendly. * Its sealing is strong and durable. * The color, smell and taste of the water it carries do not change. * Easy to install. UPVC Reducing Socket's Usage Description : The purpose of UPVC reducer is to allow water to pass through the pipe without interruption. If the pressure of the pipe will be increased, it is necessary to switch from a wider pipe to a narrower pipe. This pressure adjustment is provided by the reduction tee. A wide variety of sizes are possible in DIN and ASTM standards. Dimensions are available in our table. Our ASTM standard products are SCH80. Operating pressure is PN16 between the 140-125mm; Operating pressure from 160-90mm is PN10. UPVC Reduction Areas of Usage: It is suitable for use in pressurized drinking water networks, agricultural irrigation networks, pool applications, industrial areas.

mm inch Code 1 Code 2 K H L D E PN Box Master
25-20 3/4” - 1/2” 133602 133602ASTM 16 19 16 20 / 21,3 25 / 26,7 16 250 -
32-25 1” - 3/4” 133604 133604ASTM 21 22 19 25 / 26,7 32 / 33,3 16 200 -
40-32 1 1/4” - 1” 133603 133603ASTM 28 26 22 32 / 33,4 40 / 42,2 16 150 -
50-32 1 1/2” - 1” 133601 133601ASTM 28 31 22 50 / 48,3 32 / 33,3 16 100 -
50-40 1 1/2” - 1 1/4” 1336095 1336095ASTM 38 31 26 50 / 48,3 40 / 42,2 16 100 -
63-32 2” - 1” 1336053 1336053ASTM 30 38 22 63 / 60,3 32 / 33,4 16 250 A
63-40 2” - 1 1/2” 1336052 1336052ASTM 38 38 26 40 / 42,2 63 / 60,3 16 250 A
63-50 2” - 1 1/4” 133605 133605ASTM 43 38 31 50 / 48,3 63 / 60,3 16 252 A
75-40 2 1/2” - 1 1/4” 1336062 1336062ASTM 38 44 26 40 / 42,2 75 / 73 16 200 A
75-63 2 1/2” - 2” 133606 133606ASTM 57 44 38 63 / 60,3 75 / 73 16 150 A
90-75 3” - 2 1/2” 133607 133607ASTM 67 51 43 75 / 73 90 / 89,9 16 88 A
110-90 4” - 3” 133608 133608ASTM 81 59 47 90 / 88,9 110 / 114,3 16 48 A
75-50 2 1/2” - 1 1/2” 1336061 1336061ASTM 40 39 32 50 / 48,3 76 / 73 16 150 A
90-63 3” - 2” 1336071 1336071ASTM 56 51 38 63 / 60,3 90 / 89,9 16 88 A
110-75  4” - 2 1/2” 1336081 1336081ASTM 68 59 43 75 / 73 110 / 114,3 16 48 A
110-63  4” - 2” 1336082 1336082ASTM 56 59 37 63 / 60,3 110 / 114,3 16 48 A
125-90 -  -  3” 1336091 - 82 68 51 90 / - 125 / - 16 36 A
125-110 -  -  4” 133609 - 102 69 61 110 / - 125 / - 16 36 A
140-90  5” - 3” 133612 133612ASTM 80 75 51 90 / 88,9 140 / 141,3 16 23 A
140-110 5” - 4” 1336121 1336121ASTM 100 76 60 110 / 114,3 140 / 141,3 16 23 A
140-125 5” -  - 1336122 - 117 76 69 125 / - 140 / - 16 23 A
160-90  6” - 3” 133610 133610ASTM 81 86 51 90 / 88,9 161 / 168,3 10 15 -
160-110 6” - 4” 133611 133611ASTM 100 87 62 110 / 114,3 160 / 168,3 10 15 -
160-140 6” - 5” 13366111 13366111ASTM 132 87 76 140 / 141,3 160 / 168,3 10 15 -
200-160 -  - 6” 133672 - 152 106 86 160 /  200 / 10 14 -
200-140 -  - 5” 133671 - 130 110 95 140 / 200 / 10 14 -
225-200 8” - - 133681 - 191 120 106,7 202 / 226 / 10 12 -
225-160 8” - 6” 133682 133682ASTM 154 120 88 160 / 226 / 10 12 -
250-225 - 133683 - 215 130 118 225 / 250 / 10 5 -
315-280 - 1336086 - 273 160 146 280 / 315 / 10 3 -
315-250 - 133693 - 245 161 158 250 / 315 / 10 3 -
280-250 - 133686  - 249 131 148 250 / 280 / 10 - -


Ø 25 - Ø 20 mm 133602        
Ø 32 - Ø 25 mm 133604        
Ø 40 - Ø 32 mm 133603        
Ø 50 - Ø 32 mm 133601        
Ø 63 - Ø 50 mm 133605 252 16.100 0.049  
Ø 75 - Ø 63 mm 133606 150 12.400 0.049  
Ø 90 - Ø 75 mm 133607 88 12.496 0.049  
Ø 110 - Ø 90 mm 133608 48 12.912 0.049  
Ø 75 - Ø 50 mm 1336061 150 15.100 0.049  
Ø 90 - Ø 63 mm 1336071 88 15.900 0.049  
Ø 110 - Ø 75 mm 1336081 48 13.800 0.049  
Ø 110 - Ø 63 mm 1336082 48 13.700 0.049  
Ø 125 - Ø 90 mm 1336091 36 15.190 0.049  
Ø 125 - Ø 110 mm 133609 36 10.440 0.049  
Ø 140 - Ø 90 mm 133612 23 18.800 0.049  
Ø 140 - Ø 110 mm 1336121 23 6.400 0.049  
Ø 140 - Ø 125 mm 1336122 23 8.700 0.049  
Ø 160 - Ø 90 mm 133610 15 11.320 0.049  
Ø 160 - Ø 110 mm 133611 15 10.180 0.049  
Ø 160 - Ø 140 mm 13366111 15 8.940 0.049  
Ø 200 - Ø 160 mm 133672 14 17.500 0.094  
Ø 200 - Ø 140 mm 133671 14   0.094  
Ø 225 - Ø 200 mm 133681 12 16.300 0.094  
Ø 225 - Ø 160 mm 133682 12 15.400 0.094  
Ø 250 - Ø 225 mm 133683 8 13.900 0.094  
Ø 315 - Ø 250 mm 133693        

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